Setup Guide

What’s ? is software working hand in hand with the Hustle Castle game installed on a supported emulator.
Check our emulator installation guide if you didn’t already.

Discord Settings

In Discord settings, you can enable a Discord bot to be alerted remotely, manage tasks without being in from on your computer.

Check our Discord bot manual to know everything about Discord bot installation and available commands

  • BotToken is the secret token to let the app sends message in your discord channel.
  • BotChannel is the channel name where bot should interact and send messages to.
  • MentionUserName is the username the Discord bot should mention to be alerted
  • AutoConnect is a checkbox to chose if you want the bot to connect on app startup automatically

General Settings

In General settings, you can adjust emulator settings and DefaultWaitingTime impacting the overall bot accuracy.

In the example above, I chose to player with BlueStacks emulator and to use a DefaultWaitingTime of 2000ms because I have a very slow computer.

  • UseEmulator lets you select which emulator you want to use with in case you play with multiple instances like I do.
  • DefaultWaitingTime should be set between minimum 500ms and 2000ms maximum according to your computer performances.
    The bot may miss some tournament stages because he’s too slow or take action before windows are opened if too fast.
  • RestoreHealth This checkbox lets you chose if you want to wait your players to be full life again before next fight. Works in Invasions, Portal, Island event (not yet)

Experience could be greatly improved by setting up your emulator correctly too !
Check our emulator installation guide for optimization tips

Arena Settings

setting up bot arena settings

In Arena settings, you can start a certain amount of tournaments to play with a certain power strategy

In the example above. I chose to play 10 tournaments. I want to attack maximum player with power 4800000 and I would like to attack the first with power near 4200000.

  • NbTournaments are the number of tournaments you want to play.
    Value must be at least 1 to be valid
  • FirstPlayerPower lets you decide, specifying a power, which player you want to attack first in order to be behind your opponents next rounds and increase your gains.
    If you set 0, you will begin to attack the lower power player.
  • MaxPlayerPower lets you decide, specifying a power, the maximum power player you want to fight against if there are plenty of low power players available.
    If you set 0, you will fight the first 5 lowest power players only.
  • UseTickets lets you chose between tournament tickets and apples to use.

Chests Settings

setting up bot chests settings

In Chests settings, you just have one setting at the moment.

This task is very useful as it allows you to open thousands of chests without destroying your finger.
You need to open the first chest from the series so the bot can continue opening them.

  • NbChestsToOpen is the number of chests you want to open.
    Value must be greater than 0

Portal Settings

setting up bot chests settings

In Chests settings, you just have one setting at the moment.

This task is very useful as it allows you to open thousands of chests without destroying your finger.
You need to open the first chest from the series so the bot can continue opening them.

  • FromLevel is the starting level you want to attack.
  • ToLevel is the ending level you want to attack.
  • MaxVDarkSouls is the maximum amount of VeryDarkSouls you want to farm before stopping the task.
  • MaxDarkSouls is the maximum amount of DarkSouls you want to farm before stopping the task.

Invasions Settings

setting up bot invasions settings

No settings at the moment.

Simply open an invasion and start the bot before launching an attack.

Island Settings

In Island settings, you just have one setting at the moment.

This task is will help you during event when Island is opened very useful as it allows you to open thousands of chests without destroying your finger.
You need to open the first chest from the series so the bot can continue opening them.

  • NbDiamondRefresh is the number of refreshes you want to do using diamonds